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The morning of the first day doing community outreach with Impact Africa was honestly filled with many different types of emotions. In some ways I felt scared and anxious, but I also felt a sort of excitement and peace about it. Nonetheless, when we got on the bus to head to Eskom (a local community that has struggled with a lot of poverty) I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. 

Once we arrived, and had our pre-ministry prayer and Word, we then started walking down the streets of this community. Our goal was simple; spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our squad split up into 2 different teams, and so the ministry began. As we were walking down the road, we all noticed a woman carrying a huge bucket filled to the brim with water with a baby wrapped around her back, and so we followed her to her house. Once we got there, we were greeted by her and her baby, as well as her other daughter who was about 4 years old. After some small talk and really figuring out her story, we asked her if we could talk to her about the Word of God. She complied, and so it began. 

We shared about the Bible, who God was, about church, and then asked if she knew who Jesus Christ was. And she said no. No. She didn’t know who the Savior of the world is. It wasn’t that she had heard of Him but just didn’t understand, but that she simply had no clue whatsoever as to who Jesus is. She didn’t even know His name. Tell me how many people in the United States you’ve met who don’t even know the name of Jesus… I’ll wait. 

Now remember, this is the very first day of ministry and the very first person we have spoken with, so we have absolutely no idea what we are doing. Our translator, KB, asked me to share the gospel with her. And if I am being totally honest, it was not the best that I have ever done. I was nervous and anxious, and honestly didn’t even know what to say or do or how to act, or even where to start. But God, being far greater than I, entered into her life that day as she submitted her life to Christ. 

Through all of the broken sentences and terrified feelings, God still came through. God showed me that He doesn’t need me to be great to spread his gospel. He doesn’t need me to be an amazing pastor. He doesn’t even need me at all. But yet He chooses to use me. He chooses me. He allows me to partake in the furtherance of His great gospel; how amazing is that! 

And He can use you too! We are ALL called to ALL people groups, as that is literally what Matthew 28:19 says in the correct language. It’s easy to say that you’re called to Texas (or wherever you live), when you have only seen pictures of these places. When the 3.2 billion people who have no access to the gospel are only a number to you. But when you walk and live among them, when you do life with them, and when you listen to their stories, they are much more than that. Can you really call yourself a Christian if you don’t truly follow Jesus, and what He has said? I know I can’t. 

There are billions of people just like that lady who have absolutely no idea who Jesus is at all. They will be born, live horribly oppressive and pain-filled lives, and die not knowing Jesus. And the worst part of it all is that the Bible is so clear that they will not go to heaven. So my question to you is this: what are you doing? What are you doing to reach the unreached? Are you going or are you sending support? We are ALL called to them. Ministry in the US is great, but there is not a single city, place, or town that is unreached in the states. Every church should be a sending church to the unreached.

So let me make an unpopular statement: Patriotism is not biblical. The American dream is unbiblical. We are called to the unreached, just as Paul desired to go where the gospel had not yet been proclaimed and leave the places it had, so should we. What are you doing? 

3 responses to “What Are You Doing?”

  1. What an amazing experience for you and the people there!! Great article!! Dad and I are working on going to Kenya next year with the village church, it’s only 2 weeks long which works for us!! Love you bud!

  2. Great testimony and challenge!! Love you Cameron. Thank you for your words and example of how to truly follow Christ.

  3. So proud that you are allowing God to work through you to spread his love and salvation. God bless you.

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